All posts filed under: Art

The Droplets Series / A collection of new artwork available now!

I am so proud to be showing you the start of a new body of artwork that I have been working on, an ongoing series of paintings called Droplets. This work is incredibly meaningful to me and symbolises some really important changes moving on in 2020.  This type of artwork has been something I often toyed with in my mind, but never executed onto canvas. I was recently called to produce this work and the effects personally were somewhat cathartic. The paintings within the Droplets series balances on the ridge between parallels. The surrealist scenes of wildlife and nature blend between areas of calm, and intermittent chaos. Using traditional application of oil paints, with no digital intervention, this artwork toes the line between contemporary and traditional art. My subjects amplify the natural world as you have never seen it, bringing together the bountiful nature of life on Earth, and the fine line between abundance and pain. There is a bitter sweetness to these paintings, an acidity to the delicate paintwork. With these subjects steeped in …

Original Painting Auction to Raise Funds for WIRES

I have a piece named ‘SOS’ up for auction on eBayin aid of WIRES (NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service) which is currently in crisis due to the bushfires raging through Australia. WIRES actively rehbailitate and preserve Australian wildlife, and will be inundated and working tirelessly at this time. 23 people have lost their lives, 12 million acres of land has been devastated, large scale evacuations are taking place, and half a billion wildlife has perished. They fear that the worst is still to come. In many rural areas, volunteers are working with little resources, risking their lives and health to keep the fires at bay and keep people safe. Teams are working to help slow moving wildlife and get them to safety, treating burns and wounds and caring for them when they have nowhere to escape. The original painting is based on a well loved piece named Glory which celebrates the bountiful abundance of out beautiful natural world. The gold leaf droplets symbolise the nourishment that nature gifts us. This abstract and surrealist piece …

2020 Announcement!

If you’ve been following my work all this time (and it has been a while now since I started this blog) and you have kept up to do date recently on my artwork, then you may have noticed a bit of a change. After 5 great years with Wishbone Publishing I will be changing direction and working and trading as an independent artist. This has been a couple of months in the works in order to keep the transition as smooth as possible! Joining Wishbone was life changing for me and my work, I had hustled and grafted for almost 2 years before reaching out to Wishbone for representation, and the way they managed my work for the next few years was life altering. Alongside this fantastic opportunity they became family. Jack began working there around the same time that I signed, and he is now one of my best friends and stuck with me for life. (Sorry Jack.) As 2019 began to draw to a close I knew that a change was in order …

Book! A collection of collections – Katy Jade Dobson

I have a book! For over two years this has been in the works. I knew very specifically how I wanted this book to look and feel. It was going to house years of artwork after all. The title Phosphenes comes from the name for the sensation of spots of colours and light that you see when you rub your eyes. A phenomena of seeing without light entering the eye. A title that inspired an earlier collection, and a word I find truly beautiful. At a huge 224 pages, simple hardback cover design with coloured hot foil pressed lettering emblazoned on the front and spine, aesthetically making this book a perfect coffee table book. Inside, the content design (by Ash Dowie) is sleek and minimal to offer more attention for the intricate and boldly colourful works that my signature style focuses on. It is separated into chapters and subchapters to collate my varying subject groups and styles as well as focuses on materials and colours also. I have introduced each chapter with my thoughts and …

The Entanglement Collection – Katy Jade Dobson

The Entanglement Collection I am so incredibly proud and excited to show you my new collection in full. Named after my love for quantum physics and the beautiful phenomenon of entangled particles reacting as one even at great distances, the notion that inspired my collection after noticing the patterns of evolution that a body of work takes. As I work on one idea, I find that I bring these marks and textures onto another. The collection laces together and binds. In my excitement to experience this again I took enthusiastically to a new collection. After studying the science of pigments in great detail, and really learning about the history and culture of colour usage I was compelled to start a collection of work that began from a love of colour and blossomed out into dreamlike abstract works. I worked from gut instinct and hoped to dispel my pre-planning ways in order to let the compositions form themselves as my hands intuitively glide. I wanted to create a new experience for myself in creating this artwork …

Adam Handling Chelsea – The Art Of Belmond

Last year I began a project that could only be described as a dream come true. To create bespoke artwork for an impossibly beautiful hotel in the heart of London. In a complete whirlwind of compositional sketches, late night note jotting, ideas bursting at the seams, scouring the internet for historical records and deciphering latin names for all kinds of botanical specimens… I set to work on a creating bespoke commissioned original oil paintings for the newly renovated building that would become one of the most lavish, expensive and artistically drenched hotels imaginable. The Belmond group have renovated a building, where the room marked 118 is famously the room where Oscar Wilde was arrested. The hotel is owned by the Cadogan family, a lineage steeped in rich history as the ancestors of Hans Sloane, the 18th century physician, naturalist, adventurer and collector noted for bequeathing his collection of 71 000 items to the British nation, thus providing the foundation of the British Museum, the British Library and the Natural History Museum. He traveled to Jamaica …


It has been such a long time since I last wrote a blog post (1 year in fact) and I thought I would revive and refresh with a few teaser close ups of my newest collection that I’ve been working so hard on. But first allow me to explain my absence from writing (one of my favourite forms of expression alongside painting) and what I have coming up that warrants a blog post or two! The last blog post I wrote, I typed with a sleeping baby strapped to me in a baby sling, who had been walked around the kitchen table over and over whilst I sang Bohemian Rhapsody (not sure why, but this method seemed to work occasionally) until he fell asleep and freed up my hands somewhat. I could have cooked, but this was too loud or messy. I could have painted but the arm movements seemed to disturb him. So typing it was! Fast forward a year and the tiny sleeping baby is a walking, babbling, giggling, dancing and relentlessly curious …

Some of what I have worked on in 2018

2018 has kicked off to quite an eventful start, as I work on a collection, I have meanwhile worked on some smaller pieces that has helped me correct some of my skills with intricate details. I love to work large scale, and often find it difficult to change technique to fit a smaller canvas. Time for me has been particularly limited and there are certainly not enough hours in the day, but when I can I am painting, and trying to keep up the challenge of changing things up to better myself. This in part isn’t just trying new techniques, compositions and styles, but revising old ones and improving upon them! Here are just a few of what I have worked on this year, as well as commissions, great (white shark) and small! Each piece below is oil on wood panel, this is the way I mostly work! For any further information on any of my works, contact to be directed to a gallery near you! I also recently asked for what you would …

‘Jaws’ – Shark Painting

I am very excited that my original painting ‘Jaws’ is being made into a limited edition print, with editions of 75. It is a privilege that this piece is endorsed by The Shark Trust, a wonderful charity. The misunderstood nature of sharks means that their demise as a species is hugely overlooked. Their importance within the marine ecosystem is of such huge importance to the health of our oceans. There are many threats to sharks that can have adverse knock on affects. The global decline of sharks can create a cascading effect. As one of the ocean’s top predators, sharks have potential to structure ecosystems in crucial ways. Decline can mean rearrangement of marine communities. One of the biggest threats to sharks globally is overfishing.  This is fuelled by a large demand for shark products such as meat and fins, cartilage, leather, teeth and jaws. Other threats include finning (the cruel practice of cutting off a shark’s fins whilst alive. Also, pollution and habitat destruction contribute to the hugely declining numbers. Climate change and pollution …

The Dawn Chorus Collection

Dawn Chorus Nature’s greatest orchestra rivals many naturally occurring miracles each morning, as bird species from around the world mark their territory, make their presence known to mates, or call upon their flock in an enthusiastic symphony. A dawn chorus. Ranging from the beautifully delicate or well camouflaged species found in English woodlands, to the ostentatious birds of paradise parading around Indonesian forests. The intricate markings used for mating or territorial displays make perfect subjects and the plethora of species to celebrate is infinite. By encompassing the subjects in the beautiful colour ways that make them so mesmerising, I have hoped to capture the nature of each species in full concert. With extravagant blends of bright colours and bold textures, mixed with subtle areas of calm and reserve this collection of oil paintings was created to compliment the avian subjects through thoughtful composition and a love for the elegance of birds all around the world. For any information on this collection contact or one of the many wonderful galleries listed on my website here! …